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Oil of Copper

What is Oil of Copper?


Copper is the Venusian metal. The Venusian archetype corresponds with the heart, the thymus gland, skin, renal system/kidneys, & respiratory system. It carries the theme of beauty and passion.

Our Alchemical Oil of Copper is a true organic oil, catalyzed from Copper itself. It isn't a carrier oil with copper in it, or anything of the like. Metallic oils made through this process render the Copper's "information" & energetic signature bio-available to the human body without the actual copper being present in the end product (the oil.) The best part of all this is that this oil is made from the copper itself, so its lipid profile is unique to the metal... think of it as the metal impressing its entire being into a new form of matter (the oil.)

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How is it made?

Copper of various forms are sources this work: Copper ores, refined copper and more. To start, the copper isolated and then oxidized through different methods. This allows the copper to be “opened” & "turned inside out" by converting it into a water-soluble crystal.



Once the copper is bonded to oxygen, it is dissolved using various corrosive acids, some derived from the plant realm, others from the mineral realm. What acid I use depends on the path I decide on pushing the copper through. I like to push copper through different paths for the sake of the experience. The path that utilizes the plant acids require me to push the copper salts through pyrolysis in order to derive an oil from it, this is known as Via Sicca (the dry path.) The mineral acid paths allow me to catalyze an oil by using an alkahest or other menstruum, this is known as Via Humida (the wet path.)


The copper, once converted into a salt form, is recrystallized and purified to my liking, followed by subsequent chemical reactions of my choice (depending on the path I choose.) The metal gains experience the more states I push it through before I derive an oil from it.


Once the opened copper has been digested in the menstruum for about a year, the menstruum is then carefully distilled off and set aside for future use in making more oil of copper. The oil, once free of the menstruum is washed and purified of any toxic metallic salts (pictured below.) The purified oil is quite aromatic and contains a complex of organic compounds similar to those found in plant essential oils.


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